Uyeda Jeweller


Uyeda Jeweller For Me

山口 遼 / Ryo Yamaguchi







Uyeda Jeweller TOP-line クローバーブローチ AK0408 or AK0148

It is unlikely to be a fourth-generation owner in the jewelry industry. Tomohiro Uyeda, however, takes over this unique role and now is the current owner of Uyeda Jeweller, with its high prestige store located in the Imperial Hotel Arcade, Tokyo. Kichigoro Uyeda, the founder, opened his first store in Ginza area in 1884 and Uyeda Jeweller is now one of the most traditional jewellers in Japan. In fact, there are just few fourth-generation owners in one family even in the whole world. It is such a difficult thing to operate continuously a jewelry business over the generations.

It could be said that the products made by Uyeda Jeweller are quite authentic. Their jewelry follows the right and ultimate course of every aspect of traditional Japanese jewelry making, including material, design and craftsmanship. Jewelry originally comes to Japan from the West, but Uyeda’s items depict the mind and individuality of being Japanese in an accurate manner.

So-called traditional and “authentic” products are hard to stand out by themselves. Eccentric or vulgar things are, of course, eye-catching and it is easy to say these things are “unique”. One of greatest achievements of Uyeda is to keep their uniqueness while sticking with authenticity.
Yoshie Uyeda, a jewelry designer and older sister of the current owner, has also contributed to create their delicate but vigorous jewelry lines. As you can see, Uyeda Jeweller is a true family business with tradition beyond generations.

Dignity as a top jeweller

You may be surprised, but there are only a few jewellers besides Uyeda and MIKIMOTO, who have a clear understanding of what they sell and put the carved seal of their brand to all products.
Understanding their own products – This sounds easy, but it is fact very difficult. How many department stores and retailers do business with full knowledge of their products? In most cases, they just display and sell jewelry made by someone – because they can do their job much easier and get larger profits. In the worst scenario, some stores do not even remember which products were sold last week.

On the contrary, this utmost honesty of Uyeda Jeweller should be highly acclaimed. They have never expanded their business and simply have been keeping only one store, which was left by the founder to the next generation. Instead of selling a high volume of low margin products, they sell their uncompromising products with courtesy. This is how a jeweller should be.
In present Japanese society, people rarely use the word such as “elegance” or “dignity”. These kind of expressions are almost obsolete in today’s fast-moving world of technology. However, if you want to remind yourself of these everlasting feelings…Uyeda Jeweller is there for you. Trust me, just visit Uyeda’s store in the Imperial Hotel Arcade! You will then know the true beauty in their jewelry.

「日本のトップジュエラー」(2011年 / 繊研新聞社)より抜粋
Source: TOP JEWELLERS of JAPAN (Senken Shimbun Co.,Ltd / 2011)

山口 遼プロフィール

Ryo Yamaguchi

宝石に関するマーケティング、 商品開発、 デザイン開発、 宝飾史研究の専門家。 1938年、 北海道生まれ。 同志社大学卒業。1961年、 株式会社ミキモト入社。 常務取締役・営業本部長を経て、1994年、 退任。 株式会社ジェム ・ インターナショナル社長就任。 1999年、 退任し、 株式会社リオ・インターナショナルを設立。 宝飾品営業、 流通産業のコンサルタント、 宝石小売業の教育の傍ら執筆活動を行う。 山脇美術専門学校、 山梨県立宝石美術専門学校、 日本宝飾クラフト学院などにて講師を務める。 東京在住。 主な著書、『ジュエリィの話』(新潮選書)、『 宝飾品市場』(日本経済新聞社)、 『世界の宝石博物館』(徳間書店)、 『ア ンティー クジュエリー 入門』(婦人画法社)、『ダイヤモンドの謎』(講談社アルファ)、 『ダイヤモンド・ジュエリー 入門』 (東京美術)、『すぐわかるヨーロッパ宝飾芸術』(東京美術)、『ブランド・ジュエリー30の物語』(東京美術)。 主な訳書、『著名なダイヤモンドの歴史』 (徳間書店)、『ハリー・ウィンストン』 (徳間書店)。 他に新聞、 雑誌などに寄稿多数。

Yamaguchi Ryo is an authority of jewelry marketing, jewelry design development and historian. Born in Hokkaido, 1938. Doshisha University. In 1961 he joined Mikimoto and later became a managing director. After he retired from Mikimoto, he took a post of president of Gems International Co., Ltd. and in 1999 he established a jewel「y marketing consulting company, Rio International Co., Ltd. He is an author of "Story of Jewelry" (Shincho-sha) , "Hoshokuhin shijo: Sono shirarezaru sekai"(Nikkei), "Jewelry Museum of the world" (Tokuma Shoten), "Concise History of European jewellery" (Tokyo Bijutsu) 、"Diamond Jewellery" (Tokyo Bijutsu) , "Brand Jewellery - 30 stories ", "Top」ewellers of」APAN" (Sen ken Shim bun) , as well as a translator of "Harry Winston"(Tokuma Shoten). Also he is a contributor to newspapers and various publications.