There are tons of jewellery stores in Japan, but I have never seen such a committed jeweller as Uyeda. Besides their carefully selected materials, the uniqueness of their design, their world-class handiwork quality, and people’s comfort to wear their products – Every aspect of Uyeda achieves the highest quality.
It is Tomohiro Uyeda, my friend, who manages the whole company and all of the productization phases of Uyeda Jeweller.
He is a true hard worker, always keen to learn broad culture of Japanese Jewellery. He even is a member of my Jewelry Cultural History Study Group and makes a great effort to know more about jewellery.
Uyeda Jeweller has a long history and is known as an honorable jeweller in Japan. I believe, we could say Uyeda’s history can be a part of Japanese Jewellery’s history.
It was established in 1884 and took the first step in the same period as Rokumeikan, which is called “a symbol of Westernisation in the Meiji period”.
There were other Japanese jewellers established in Meiji period (1868 – 1912), but most of them started their business after Uyeda, during late 1880 and early 1900. From this fact, you can see Uyeda is a pioneer of Japanese top jewellers.
In the Meiji period, less stores sold mainly precious metal products like Uyeda Jeweller. Other stores selling precious metal products as well belonged to either bag/fancy goods stores or watch dealers.
Uyeda has its store in the center of Japan’s civilization. They produce and sell traditional Hirado handiwork broches and pendants mainly to foreign guests visiting Japan thanks to its great location.
Uyeda has a variety of products for upper class ladies, but Uyeda’s bridal rings have got a special attention among them.
Wearing bridal rings got customary at the end of Meiji period, but Uyeda Jeweller had already sold their rings around middle of the era. Japanese history of modern jewellery also has Uyeda’s name as the first jeweller which made the bridal ring in Japan.
It is said an old-established company always needs a change. I believe Uyeda will keep their innovation while keeping their advantages, which is undoubtedly the jewellery itself. I expect them to keep making “Uyeda-style”, “Uyeda-quality” creations and personally look forward to seeing their next line created by Mr. Uyeda’s great enthusiasm.
宝飾史研究家。日本宝飾クラフト学院理事長、NPO 法人宝飾クラフト教育振興会会長。ジュエリー文化史研究会主宰。1947 年、神奈川生まれ。立教大学卒業。主な著書、『日本装身具史 ジュエリーとアクセサリーの歩み』(美術出版社)、『聖なる銀 アジアの装身具』(INAX BOOKLET)『神々の宿る銀:世界の装身具図鑑 地域別編』(繊研新聞社)、『新版ワックスモデリングの基本―ワックスによるジュエリー制作技法』(繊研新聞社)、『貴金属彫金と彫り留め技法―タガネのプロテクニック』(日本宝飾クラフト学院)、『宝飾クラフト技法―錺のジュエリーテクニック(新技法シリーズ)』(美術出版社)。他に新聞、専門誌などに寄稿多数。
Tsuyuki Hiroshi is a Jewelry Historian, president of Japan Jewelry Craft School and NPO Jewelry Craft Education Association. He was born in Kanagawa, 1947. Rikkyo University. He is an author of “The Consice History of Jewelry and Accessory in Japan” (Bijutsu Shuppan-sha), “Sacred Silver-Personal Ornament in Asia”(INAX BOOKLET), “Divinty in Silver-The Encyclopedia of the traditional ornaments in the world” (Senken Shimbun) “Basic Wax Modeling” (Senken Shimbun), “Gem Setting & Jewellery Engraving” (Japan Jewelry Craft School), “Kazari-Jewelry Technique” (Bijutsu Shuppan-sya). Also he is a contributor to newspapers and various publications.